My Blog List

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Almost Christmas!!!

Schools almost out for a few weeks! I'm very excited to be going home to see my Mom!!
What did you all think of the free christmas lunch today? I think it was great, but I ate way to much! I wish everyone a Safe and Happy Christmas and New Year!!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I tried my word advanced this morning and it was HARD. I never been so mad at word.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I forgot yet again!!

I forgot to blog last week again!!!! Mabey it is because I do not know what to write most of the time. I'm trying to finish advanced word..... Oh my, Chapter 24 and Production center 6, is very frustrating. I have decided that I'm going to get my own appartment for February 1st. I have recently realized that I cannot live with my sister anymore. So if anyone has any leads on any apartments for Februdary, let me know. Since I just moved here from Ontario in May, I'll have to have buy all new stuff. So if anyone has anything they want to donate to me, as far as furniture and stuff, in February let me know!!! I very excited right now, because in 3 weeks from today I will be in Ontario visiting my Mom and friends. I wish you all a safe and Happy hoilday!!!! MERRY ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!!!!


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hi all,

I forgot to blog last week, and I'm hoping to make it up to everyone....although, I'm not sure I can. All I really have to say to all you al,l that have been here for a few off to ya all....................for being able to put up with this weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-36 you have got to be kidding me...................................................errrrrrrr
How'z it go'in? Just pass'in through, thought I'd drop u a line or two.Here's a good one to help pass away the time:

A lady got on a bus holding a baby. The bus driver said, "That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen."
In a huff, the lady slammed her fare into the fare box and took an aisle seat near the rear of the bus.
The man seated next to her sensed that she was agitated and asked her what was wrong.
"The bus driver insulted me," she fumed.
The man sympathized and said, "Why, he's a public servant and shouldn't say things to insult passengers."
You're right," She said. "I think I'll go back up there and give him a piece of my mind."
"That's a good idea," the man said. "Here, let me hold your monkey."

Friday, November 17, 2006

Random acts of Kindness...

Hey all,

I wanted to let you all know that I wanted to nominate all of you foe the random acts of kindness thing, for all the support you all showed me in my hard times. I was told that I couldn't becuase it had to be something done this week...? Well I really wish I could of because I can't say thanks enough!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hi! Don't know much about this page but just wanted to share a photo of my girl whom i love so much. And a Hi to everyone this picture is Brandy, her brother Brandon, and myself, MOM.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Hello everyone!

How was your long weekend??? Mine was same as usual. I didnt do anything special.

This weekend Im going to city for shopping!! I only have few money to spend which I dont like but I get to stay at hotel for the night and its something different. Im excited!!

I hope we dont get any homework this weekend as well....

Have a good week!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006


Hi everyone, just stoped in to see whats new with everyone.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Got to love this Cold Lake weather!!!

Oh my it's cold today -23 with the wind chill!!!! I don't know how you all stand it. This is my first winter in Cold Lake. I grew up in southern Ontario and its cold in the winter, but not like this. So don't laugh at me when I come to school in a snow suit!!!!

Keep warm


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

This week

This week I'm having hard time waking up every morning. I hate being tired at school. I dont feel like to do anything... that's bad!!!!!!

I hope we don't get any homework for weekend because we have long weekend and I can't wait!! But I dont think I will do anything special. I have bunch of stuff to do.

What's everyone doing for the weekend??

Monday, November 06, 2006


I lOsT mY wOrD dIsK.

Monday, October 30, 2006

I love my class...

I have to tell you all, you are all so kind. I was so suprised to get flowers and that gift certificate!! I really appreciate that fact that you all care so much. To know that I have all of you to support me in a time like this is amazing. I have to be honest and say that if I was back home in Belleville, ON and this happened, I don't think that the people there would have been so kind hearted. I love Cold Lake and everyone here! I have met some of the nicest people here. I'm trying to get my mother to move to Cold Lake now. I really hope she does!!!!!

Thanks again to everyone!!!!!!!

Too Tired...

I didn't have any sleep last night....

What happned was...... I was trying to finish assignment for office management and I still had lots to done so I though i should stay awake little bit later than usual. So I had one cup of coffee.

It was bad bad idea. lol I was too tired to finish assignment so I decided to go to sleep but I couldn't sleep!!! Made me even more tired.

0630 I got up and I was getting ready to go to school. But when I looked at clock it was still before 6.... I didn't know time had been changed...

So I decided to finish assignment. I'm so happy I got them done. (^0^)/

On the weekend, I worked and baby sat Jacob. Auntie wasn't home all weekend Jacob came to sleep with me!

He is so cute!! When I'm with him I do such a immature thing. lol

But oh well, he likes it! lol

I just found out my friend is getting married on July and I'm so happy for her.

But I dont get to go to her wedding because I will be in Japan on July......

Ya, it was my weekend!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gosh Darn......

Okay my friday was a gooder, sum of us girls from class here went to taps for a couple. I was able to get away from the ol' man and relax with no child bugging. Then on saturday my family and I went to JJ Parr to go swimming. We were there for 45 minutes and somone stole my dawgs (black) my lil sister bought me. I am so pissed off. I cant beleive you can not even go swimming and somebody steels ur shoes, I frickin had to go home with my socks on. Poor me. Yha so that was a downer for saturday. An upper was bringing my little boy to the mall dressed up in his halloween costume. It was the best he was a lil skeleton and scared a couple lil babies. hehehehe it was cute. Now it is Sunday and I am trying real hard to finish my Office Assignment, so take er easy and hope you all had a good weekend.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Goodday Everyone.....

Hello everybody,
I hate this blog thinggy. I wish I knew how to post pictures up on this thing. I would post a couple of my lil boi. Oh well, Holy this week seemed to go bye so fast it's already gonna be the weekend here soon. But yha have a nice rest of the week.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Interesting weekend

Went out to a friends for a few.

  • 2 females
  • 2 males ( I was one)
  • 1 teenager
  • 3 gay guys

*hmmm, sounds like a joke I know*
It was kind'a boring, till we stepped out to the wetlander....OK, it sucked! I was so bored! Till we got outta there.
In the end it was a good little breather from the usual and a much needed break. Hope all your weekends turned out ok.


Hello everyone. I'm glad Leah is coming back on wednessday!

On the weekend I worked, did math homework and went to find new job.

Right now I'm working for cater in Bonnyville. It's fun and I really like it. It's good payed, too. hehe.

But I decided I want to make more money. lol I know money is not everything but I love money.

When I was in high school I worked for my brother's friend's parents.

It was a janitor job. I used clean day care centre. It was so hard and made me so tired.

But this time they said they will put me to clean office and takes only hour or hour and half, twice a week. So this way I will still have time to study after school.

I'm gonna have a two jobs!

I'm so happy about it (^o^)

So I can make money for trip I'm going on during christmas holiday and save money for next time when I go back to Japan.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Back On Wednesday

I'll be back in class on Wednesday! I'm flying home on Tuesday. See you all soon!!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Few are ill-prepared for a flu pandemic...

Oct 12th, 2006

Few ready for 'imminent' flu pandemic

Flu expert Kirsty Duncan warns
Canada is ill-prepared for a flu pandemic.

By Paul Mayne

One of Canada's top scientific researchers says it's a matter of time before the emergence of a flu pandemic expected to hospitalize and kill millions around the world.

"Are we ready for another pandemic similar to the 1918 Spanish Flu?" says University of Toronto researcher Kirsty Duncan, speaking to Western researchers and students Oct. 6. "It raises a lot of questions and proposes plenty of challenges to think about."

Duncan, author of Hunting the 1918 Flu: One Scientist's Search for a Killer Virus, says while her 10-year saga of investigating the causes behind what killed more than 50 million people worldwide decades ago has answered questions, it has also raised others.

Duncan and fellow researchers went to the point of exhuming the bodies of seven young individuals killed by the 1918 pandemic in hopes of finding out more about the causes and, perhaps, future preventive measures that could be taken when it occurs again.

"Opening the boxes was akin to opening a Pandora's Box," she says. "You could re-release the virus once again should it still be alive."

It was not, but Duncan was able to take more than 100 samples from the brain, heart, kidney, liver and lungs of the deceased. She determined we may be on the brink of a similar situation today.

The current H5N1 virus, or Avian flu, has "similar genetic paths as that of 1918."

"Knowing that, we need to prepare for the future," she says. "We have a unique opportunity this time around in that we can prepare for a pandemic that is coming. The more information we have of these past viruses the more we can prepare"

Duncan says the World Health Organization and other leading scientists say a pandemic is evident, if not imminent, leading to upwards of 28 million hospitalized and between two and 50 million possible deaths.

So if an occurrence is 'imminent', why isn't there more concern around the world? Duncan says there is some concern, but nowhere near enough. Only 15 per cent of U.S. businesses have a pandemic flu plan in place, and the number is just four per cent in Canada.

"As scientists, we are sort of caught between a rock and a hard place," she says. "We can't say we're all fine and we can't say we're all going to drop like flies. We don't want to create panic or fear mongering, but the truth is somewhere in-between."

Duncan says individual preparedness for the next pandemic should include building a supply of food, water and medication - each lasting for a period of six to eight weeks.

The most unenjoyable weekend ever...

Hey all ! I wanted to post to let everyone know whats been happening with me. My flight back to Ontario left at 6:15pm from Edmonton to Toronto. I arrived at the aiport at 5:50pm.. So I had 25 mins, To check my baggage, go past security and run to my Gate. I had a 3 hour drive from Toronto and Belleville. When I finally got home, I was too late :( My father passed away at 3:15pm EST ): That would have been the time I left Cold Lake. My Mom was with him when he died, and he knew that we were coming. Its been really hard for me. My Dad and I have always been close. I have been a wreck for the last few days. Everyone in my community here is being so supportive. I want to thank everyone there for all the concern and support you showed me when I had to leave. I wantyou all to know that I appreciate everything. You are all so kind. I'm not 100% sure when I'll be back yet. I am worried about my Mother right now. I will keep you updated. If anyone wants to email me , I'd be happy to hear from yas.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Hey! Just thought that I would say hi to everyone on this blogger since we have to blog once a week. So how is everyone doing? I hope everyone is enjoying their programs! Ummm have a good weekend everyone!!!!


I missed last week because I could not this blogger site to work. My thanksgiving sucked, I was sick all weekend and I couldn't eat my thanksgiving dinner. I finally got to eat some turkey on Wednesday....mmm mmm mmm Thanksgiving is just not the same, without my mom to cook it!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thanksgiving Weekend

Hey! How was your Thanksgiving Weekend??

Mine wasn't bad. It was such a long weekend because I was home alone almost whole weekend.

Saturday I went to out to bar. It was okay. I'm kinda getting tired of doing same thing over and over every weekend. Going bar or party and getting drunk! I don't even drink these days... Well but what else can I do in Bonnyville other than hanging around at bar or house party hey. lol

I would rather staying home these days.... lol

Sunday I went to cabin to have a supper. It was good and sunday was very warm so it made me happy.

But you know what's made me happier???

When I was going home from cabin, there was very beautiful full moon.

It made me so happy(^0^)/

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


This weekend was a super long weekend for my family of 3. We travelled to Hay River, Northwest Territories a whooping 15 hours of stright driving to stuff ourselves full with many turkey dinners. My son Zigmund got to spend 4 days visiting with his grandma and I spent 4 days without Zigmund bugging me from dawn till dusk, which was a nice break.

So there is a bit of my weekend hopefully everybody else enjoyed there turkey lurkey.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Hey people

I hardly ever do this blog thing even though i know that i should be doing it but meh. I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

No task last week

Hi all!

I did not blog a task for last week or this week. I was waiting to see if this blog would get off the ground without a task. The best part of blogging is writing in it because you want to and not because you have to.

I am going to challenge all of you to post a "whatever" post once a week. This could be as simple as how your weekend was to what happened on the way to school. Just let us know a little about you and show me that you can use the forum.

I really appreciated the post from Candace who is sick at home but let us all know that she was still around and has not abondoned us. I am also sure we all feel for the worst monday ever for Fabian and hope he has a better week.

So remember, post a minimum of once a week and check the blog regularly to see what others are up to.



Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I hate mondays.
  • I lock my keys in the van
  • My cell is in there, with an important number in it I needed to call before lunch
  • Get to accounting class, an assignment was due, I forgot to write that down in my daily planner........ZERO!
  • Now that my day got off to a great start, I carried those nasty feelings into the math test............the inevitable happened
  • Lunch rolls around, looking for the wire clothes hanger that will allow me to to eat away my pain.
  • Luckily, the wedding store by the peircing place had ONE wire hanger left.
  • Now to figure out how to get into the vehicle, this is a problem considering that I worked for a living and didn't break into buildings and vehicles to make a living.
  • Those poor sandwiches! They're baking in the sun and looking up at me with those puppy dog eyes. "I'm coming Sue and Darryl!" "We will soon be reunited!" "One with the universe!!!"
  • After about 20 minutes, I finally get in. "WHOO HOO"
  • Get to Timmy's, grab that coffee and get back to the college. That's what I thought. The vehicle in front of me, I think it stalled! I was one car away from a clean get away.
  • About 10 minutes roll by, the vehicle in front of me starts. *A beam of light from the heavens beats down on me* I can see a choir in the back seats through my rear view mirror singing that hallelujah song.
  • Now to pull a late nighter and try get the accounting assignment in asap, even though I got a ZERO!
Have a good day. :)

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Aya I noticed you download free video's. Where at I've been trying and it does not seem to work for me. Little help.


Internet Assignemnt

I didn't realize this internet assignment ... sorry about that Cathy. 3 things i do online is ...

1, talking on msn
2, watch the show on internet sometimes
3, downloading music

Free video, free music and free messenger !
I love internet!!! lol

Friday, September 29, 2006

1 week

Oh my gosh it's been a whole week I've been waiting to do my blog. When I finally remembered that we had to do this every week, no one posted what were suppose to do. Boo for me. I guess I'll just keep checking. HAVE A NICE AND SAFE WEEKEND FELLOW CLASSMATES!!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I baby sat him last night. I always baby sit him. I'm living with him. His name is Jacob. He will be 5 this winter. I'm his nanny. He can be very bad .... but most of the time he is really cute. I always take him to the park and going for a little walk. Last night I gave him bath and read him a book. Baby sitting isn't the favorite thing for me. But I kinda like it. lol

My Blog for this week

I have been checking and so far Cathy hasn't posted a task for this week. I'm not really sure what to write, but I know we have to post one a week. So far coming back to school has been fun. Anyone looking forward to our Communications test today??

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

3 Things I do on the computer.......

Firstly when I go online I usually check my email. I browse it and if there's anything interesting I will read it, but if not I just earse mostly.
Secondly I like to check out and It's a cheap way for me to keep in touch with my family and friends in the NWT.
Finally I like to talk on msn, it's also a cheap way of keeping in touch.
Well thats what I mostly do when I'm online.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Hello Fellow Classmates:
Kay I totally forgot that we were suppose to do this every week. LOL
So, what exactly is this blogger? I never writtin in a blog but it seems just like a journal. So for sure I'm going to keep up with this and write in my blog every week. Bye for now.

Friday, September 22, 2006

3 Things I Do On The Net...

I don't frequent the internet much, unless I'm checking my Hotmail account or using MSN messenger to talk to my long distance friends. I use if I need to look up a recipe. The other day I was looking to see how much it would cost for my boyfriend and I to fly back home to Ontario for Christmas. We realized that it would cost us the same amount of money to fly to Ontario for one week as it would to go to Cancun for one week; if we booked our trip on


Well i haven't really came and posted a blog for a while, and all the sites that i check out when i surf the net are already posted. The only sites that i really visit are yahoo, hotmail, nexopia, and hi5, but i don't really get the chance to go on the internet that much so i can't give you any other cool sites to check out. Well I hope that everyone has a good weekend!!! I think I am lol, i'm going with my cousin to Unity to visit her boyfriend and there are suppose to be other people going there too I thought maybe it was a party or something but i don't know. Oh yeah i think i'm the youngest girl in this class lol. I'm seventeen and don't turn eighteen till march which kinda sucks but meh whatever your only a kid once lol.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


On the weekend, my friends were playing band at Wetlander. I had to pay $10 to get in. I was so broke. So I didn't wanna pay $10...... But it was worth it. I had so much fun !

My weekend-September 14th

Me, Brandon and Jen... It was my weekend. I went to house party and bar !!

Just a little task

Hi all

Your internet assignment for this week (yes you have all weekend to finish) is to list 3 things that you do online OR 3 things that you wish you could do online.

The objective of this task is for you to get an idea of what others use the internet for and/or to help steer you in the right direction if what you wish to do is actually a possibility.

Have a great week


Friday, September 15, 2006

A few things I do on-line...

  • I do my banking on-line for the lack of line-ups.
  • When I need something like a (.jpeg) image to help in a picture, I'll surf for the right one to use.
  • I'll use the internet for ideas when I want to write something too.
  • Check the lotto numbers...
  • Horoscope....
  • Email...
  • Download that hard-to-find tune...
  • Find important phone numbers when I need to talk with someone through the phone....and so on.
EVIL penguin
I like this little penguin link.

Here is a few sites I enjoy: bpmtv for dance, reggaeton for my reggaeton tunes, muchvibe for my fav hip hop 'n' stuff. addictingclips here is a site with some funny stuff too.

changing carreers:
The PA gynecologist had a burning desire to change careers and become a mechanic.

She found out from her local tech college what was involved, signed up for evening classes and attended diligently, learning all she could.

When time for the practical exam approached, she prepared carefully for weeks, and completed the exam with tremendous skill.

When the results came back, she was surprised to find that she had obtained a mark of 150%.

Fearing an error, she called the instructor, saying, "I don't want to appear ungrateful for such an outstanding result, but I wondered if there had been an error which needed adjusting."

The instructor said, "During the exam, you took the engine apart perfectly, which was worth 50% of the total mark.

You put the engine back together again perfectly, which is also worth 50% of the mark.

I gave you an extra 50% because you did all of it THROUGH the muffler...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Just would like to say sorry....

In the morning class, my stomach was roaring loudly. I'd like to say sorry to my fellow class mates if it was interupting, I skipped breakfast. For those who got a giggle out of it, I hope you enjoyed the morning music.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Wow! For a bunch of newbie Bloggers you guys have this figured out pretty quickly. I see comments, pictures, links to web pages and ideas for others to try. That is it! This is why we blog. To get to know each other, share our ideas and to send people to places they may not have otherwise thought to go.

This week I am going to send you all to a video web site called where there is a very large collection of amateur videos of all kinds. I found one that was recommended in Maclean's magazine and thought it was kind of bizarre. My kids thought that it was an unsafe way of using a treadmill, but what do they know. Follow this link to see what I mean

My challenge to you all this week will be to send us a link to a neat website or a video from the that you thought was neat.

For those who do not know how to put a link in a blog there are three simple steps.
1. Browse to the site you want us to link to
2. Copy the address from the address bar of your browser (select the address, for example http://www.webpageofchoice, right mouse click and choose copy) then paste into your blog (select ctrl + V to paste in your post )
3. Select the text you have copied and click the link button above you text when you are typing.
This creates a hyperlink to the appropriate website.

Good luck and have a great week!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Go to the busiest bus stop with a pair of dark sunglasses and a cane making like your blind. Then poke ppl's butts with the cane and watch ppl argue amongst themselves. This should keep you laughing for a while. or Go to your local supermarket and then drop to the floor and shake like your having a siezure. Then get up and announce that your stupid cell phone was still on vibrate.


I don't know what to write I'm new at this so ummm.... hi everyone i'm brandy

My first post within our Blog !!!!

Hello everyone,

This is my first time posting a blog, or within a blog. I'm still not quite sure what the word "blog" means. Mabey someone could let me know?